Tree Man Syndrome – Periódico Guerrillero

Abdul-Bajendar is one of four people in the world who suffer from tree man syndrome, a strange disease that remains a mystery to science.

When he was 15 years old, warts began to appear on his leg, then his hands began to get full, and although at first they seemed harmless, over the years his limbs became deformations similar to tree branches.

According to Agence France-Presse, the young Bangladeshi underwent 16 surgeries in 2017 at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital and his treatment is considered a milestone in the history of medical science, while they reported that it could be the first of its kind in the world. cured of the disease.

In 2019, unfortunately, Abdul had to return, as the warts began to multiply again and the pain became unbearable, to the point of asking for his hands to be cut off. The same doctor who treated him said that the first time he had to stay in the hospital for six months and decided to leave, now it was too late.

Tree man syndrome is a disease of genetic origin called viral epidermal dysplasia, a rare infection determined by a mutation in some genes and defects in zinc regulation in the superficial cells of the skin and also by the human papillomavirus (HPV). and 8.

Experts stress that although there is no specific treatment to manage the disease, in the most serious cases like that of Abdul, the best option is surgery.

They also recommend avoiding excessive exposure to the sun, and wearing protective clothing, hats, and sunscreen.

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Although there are fewer than 300 cases of epidermal dysplasia worldwide, serious cases such as Abdul’s have been reported in only five cases, including girls.

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