Today is the day of postgraduate studies in economic sciences

On the occasion of the celebration of Graduate Day in Economic Sciences, a protocol ceremony will be held today, starting at nine in the morning, in Belgrano Square, where specialists in the field will participate, in addition to the governor of the province, along with officials. This event is part of the activities scheduled during the Month of Graduate Studies in Economic Sciences by the Professional Council that brings them together here in our province, which continues on June 26 at 7 pm with a conference on General Manuel Belgrano in the hall of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences in Jujuy.

On the occasion of the celebration of Graduate Day in Economic Sciences, a protocol ceremony will be held today, starting at nine in the morning, in Belgrano Square, where specialists in the field will participate, in addition to the governor of the province, along with officials. This event is part of the activities scheduled during the Month of Graduate Studies in Economic Sciences by the Professional Council that brings them together here in our province, which continues on June 26 at 7 pm with a conference on General Manuel Belgrano in the hall of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences in Jujuy.

While the recreational and sporting activity will continue on June 29 with the traditional fishing tournament at Las Maderas Dam, and the following Sunday the seventeenth marathon, which will start at eight.

At the conclusion of the activities, an awards ceremony for the “Embanderá tu Casa” photography competition will be held on July 24.

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“It will decorate your home”

From May 23 to July 10, the “Embanderá tu Casa” competition takes place, with the aim of displaying the symbol that defines our identity as a nation, which is built and valued through patriotism; We wear all our flags as a symbol of love, service, and the search for the common good. Rules:

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