Tlaxcala students represent the United States and the United Kingdom at the Model United Nations – El Sol de Tlaxcala

the students Annette Michele Sandoval Mementzi and Cesar Leonardo Ramirez Cahuantsi, high school students Technique No. 4, by Chiautempan, represented in a discussion in English by the delegations of the United Kingdom and the United States of America (USA), respectively, with the subject Actions of the G20 Members on the Paris Agreement, in a Model United Nations organized by Tecnológico de MonterreyPuebla Campus on approximately 4, 5 and 6 November.

over there, Students contributed their knowledge about the discussions From related topics such as climate change, as well as the fact that this post, which was entirely in English, will help them adapt themselves and improve their language.

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in the interview, Participants agreed that this is an unprecedented opportunity to learn about the worldBesides, they can learn about different topics and after learning about the UN programme, apply it in their school.

Secondly, Maribel Flores Vazquez, Enterprise science teacher, explain it every year Post in this forumThis is the sixth year in a row that they have done so and the first in this manner, that Tlaxcala delegates take on the Model United Nations.

confirmed that Tecnológico de Monterrey Invites schools to participate and be part of the model, as well as make recommendations on global issues to be implemented and, once invited, in Select the school, by a panel of English teachers, for students who have the best level and excellent performance.

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Later, he added that after Students who decide whether to participate or not, to train them later and make them imagine the model, learn to discuss and model UN and representation,Adding to the beauty of this discussion is that the solutions that have already been reached will be communicated to the Organization because it is a recognized model.

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told it A year ago they went to Montreal, Canada, With the model, but because of a pandemic this time it is virtual and there are students from all over the world, because it is an international model. He stated this on this occasion The students had to represent these two countries Because the United Nations has delegates representing a country and only one person can represent Mexico, which another student already did.

  • Students also shared: Nohemí Carolina, Reynoso, Héctor Ramses Lima and Yhanik Yhoalibeth Mora, from Colegio de Bachilleres de Xaloxtoc and Paulina Parada from Campus 17, from Cuapiaxtla.

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