Three Cuban universities are among the most prestigious in the world

three Cuban higher education centers Today they are ranked among the 1,300 most prestigious universities in the world, according to the latest QS World University Rankings by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds).

The best site for studies is University of Havana (UH), which operates the 501-510 band, points to the Cubadebate web portal.

It is followed by the University of ‘Marta Abreu’ in Las Villas (UCLV), in the center of the country, located in the numbers from 521 to 530, while the Technological University of Havana José Antonio Echeverría (Cujae) is located on the scale of the thousand-200 thousand.

UH, the oldest center of its kind in Cuba, is a cultural reference and identity of the nation and is recognized for its academic excellence, social relevance and the high quality of its operations.

For its part, UCLV is the most diverse in the country, with an enrollment of 11 thousand 497 students and two thousand 36 professors in 12 faculties.

Meanwhile, Cujae contributes to the sustainable development of society through the comprehensive training of professionals committed to revolution, science and innovation, and defines the institutional page for that academic headquarters.

Each year the QS World University Rankings evaluates three thousand universities and takes into account nearly nine thousand universities in the world.

They rank the best and rank according to criteria such as academic reputation and number of visits in the last 12 months.

The ranking is published by Quacquarelli Symonds, a company that specializes in education and study abroad, and is one of the most internationally recognized lists in the sector.

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