This will pass the AI ​​test to see if you are a doctor or not

The idea of ​​implementing an aptitude test for Access to medication Back at the center today. Both central government and professional organizations have been testing this area for some time. but now, People's Partyunder Illegal proposal Registered for discussion in the House of Representatives, I asked the central executive to coordinate with the CCAA and local administrations for this to happen It could be a reality.

Design A Profession test For medical students it can be a complex task due to all the factors surrounding it. thus, Medical writing He consulted ChatGPT To know, by your own standards, what it will be Optimized process To perform this test.

Among his first proposals was the formulation of A Interest questionnaire. It should include questions about different medical specialties, for example which one you think you are among more attractive For the future student and its justifications. Likewise, it is important to know their opinion on the matter work as one teamOr medical research or how to deal with A Stress state During work, among other things.

the Practical simulation It is one of the other tests that must be included in the professional assessment exam Clinical skills And the decision making Of future medical students. For artificial intelligence, the best way to do this is through… Create the scenario They reflect common and “difficult” clinical situations they may encounter in their daily lives.

Simulating clinical scenarios for access to medicine

Artificial intelligence within this simulation recommends Hire actors or models Patients can undergo physical examinations, administer medications, take a sample and interpret the results to see how applicants are performing for the degree.

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Of course, a test of this kind cannot be missed Personal interviews With specialists in this sector. The goal of this part is for potential students to be able to talk with doctors from different branches and specialties getting information “directly” about the reality of medical practice, to ascertain whether they really want to devote themselves to this profession.

Assessing social and empathic skills for medicine

The next section describing ChatGPT is one of the most important points in test design: Evaluation Social and emotional skills From the future student. In this block there will be a simulation of interaction, where scenarios must be designed that reflect common situations in medical practice to find out how examinees behave, as well as to discover the way they interact. Communicate with patients and their families Giving them diagnosis and treatment, unfortunately too Bad News.

Another strength of this section is Role interviews. In it, students will play the role of a patient or a doctor and will have to do this They interact with each other. Here we will evaluate Empathy and active listening and the ability to communicate medical information in an “understandable and compassionate” manner.

Aptitude test for future medical students

In conclusion, Amnesty International also recommends implementation Aptitude tests To analyze potential students' ability to understand and Apply scientific conceptsIn addition to their analytical and problem-solving skills.

In this sense, some of the areas that this test can consist of are: biology, chemistry, physics, reading comprehension, clinical problems and Medical ethicsamong other things.

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Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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