This sounds like great news for Apple, except for one detail.

Antonio Cahun

Senior Editor

My love for technology started when I first touched an NES when I was 6 years old. Metalhead and otaku, One Piece fan. I started writing about technology as a hobby, but now it’s how I make a living. You can follow me X (Twitter) And in InstagramEvery day I post stories from my daily life. LinkedIn

iPhone adds more and more users than Android. according to Recent report From the consultant SerpIt is becoming more common for users to switch from Android to Apple, and in recent months there has been a record high of users leaving Android to adopt iPhone.

In the June quarter of this year, 17% of iPhone buyers previously had an Android phoneaccording to the report. This is a significant increase compared to the same period last year, i.e. growth of exactly 7%, from 10% in 2023.

Numbers collected by Serp They showed that historically Apple has had a large number of users coming from Android. In 2020 it was 14%, the highest ever, then in 2021 the total dropped to 12%. The following year it recovered to 14%, and Curiously, in 2023 there was a record low, the already mentioned 10%..

In one year iPhone adoption among the Android community has grown significantly. Reaching a new record of 17% of Apple users coming from Android.

There are a lot of new users, but it’s not entirely good news.

While these numbers of new users may seem like good news for Apple, it’s actually not so good. Another report to Serp It shows that The iPhone 15s won’t sell like previous generationsThis statement applies to the four iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max. According to the consulting firm’s report, sales of these models performed worse compared to new models in the previous corresponding quarters.

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For more context, the four iPhone 15 models accounted for 67% of total iPhone sales this quarter, down from the 79% of sales the four iPhone 14 models accounted for a year earlier, according to figures from Serp.

Taking this information into account, we conclude that users who are leaving Android for iPhone are actually They buy older models, like the iPhone 14, iPhone 13, and even the iPhone SE from 2022.instead of the latest iPhone 15.

One last important detail. According to SerpThe numbers of new iPhone users coming from Apple are the highest in recent years, which means they are conservative users, on average, They change their devices every five years..

Considering that Apple’s core audience is the followers who change every year with each new iPhone launch, this behavior will not necessarily benefit Apple, despite the increase in its user base. This situation is the reason behind Apple’s new strategy to focus on profits from services rather than devices.

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