This is “ThinkINazul”, the national plan that leads the region in the field of marine sciences

The Region of Murcia leads at the national level the Complementary Scheme for R + D + i in Marine Sciences called “ThinkINAzul”, which has With financing of 10 million euros And whose progress was revealed this Tuesday in Murcia at a conference opened by the Minister of the Environment, Juan María Vazquez.

“Dedicated to infrastructures, personnel and research projects, this is the largest investment ever made in R+D+i in the Marine Sciences area. This €10 million, co-financed by the Directorate General for Universities and Research and EU Next Generation Funds, It is distributed entirely by the Seneca Corporation For the beneficiaries, universities and research centers. The advisor explained that protecting marine ecosystems from climate change and pollution and addressing the challenges of aquaculture, fishing and sustainable tourism is the goal.

‘ThinkINAzul’ is an acronym for R+D+i Complementary Plan in Marine Science, a joint research and innovation strategy in marine sciences promoted by the Ministry of Science in which seven independent communities will work until 2025 to Sustainably meet new challenges In marine and marine monitoring and control, climate change, aquaculture and other sectors of the blue economy.

District leads a Research plan and knowledge transfer, whose progress was made by the Scientific and Institutional Coordinators of the participating Autonomous Communities that make up this federation (Murcia, Galicia, Cantabria, Andalusia, Valencia, Canary Islands and Balearic Islands). In total, the communities have a figure of more than 50 million euros.

The President of Universities and Research stressed that “this system of joint governance will allow communities a Greater coordination with and between the central administrationwhich will certainly lead to greater alignment with international science policies.”

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Vasquez highlighted the value of the region’s contribution to the project, which focuses on two aspects: on the one hand, “the strategic importance, with the biogeographic barrier of Cabo de Palos for entry monitoring and Predict invasive species From the Atlantic Ocean, access to the deep sea, the unified network of marine reserves experienced in the participation of European projects, one of the most unique coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean and the importance of the marine technology sector.

On the other hand, “the important regional ecosystem of R + D + i in marine sciences, with a consortium that brings together Three regional universitiesUMU, UPCT and UCAM, as well as state and regional institutions such as the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, the Segura Center for Soil Sciences and Applied Biology, the Murcian Institute for Agricultural, Environmental Research and Development, and the Center for Marine and Marine Technology “specify the consultant.

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