This is the science degree that guarantees you full employment and €70,000

There are thousands and thousands of teenagers who are Only a few months away from making one of the most important decisions of their lives: Choose the university degree they want to study. At this point I'm sure the vast majority are The decision has already been made Or at least consider several options. However, if you are one of those who still… he do not know What do you take? Or you are open to discovering very good jobs, in terms of employment and salaries, you should know that That of chemistry, Provides approx 100% chance of finding a job And salaries that can reach 70,000 euros According to the job seeker job.

Medicine, nursing, engineering… There are many professions that are considered within this social heritage With a better exit; And they are right. In fact, they are among the people who are in a better position considering employment and future salary. But there are other degrees with similar, or better, conditions as the case may be chemistry Which reaches a Employment of 93% of graduates

Chemistry is about Found discipline In continuous innovation Its development contributes to improving the quality of life of society. Environment, health or food They rely heavily on chemical specialists. Therefore, it is a profession that has some Huge job opportunities.

A group of young people doing EBAU work.


Specifically, the jobs of these professionals are based Review, research, study, analyze and test products Chemicals Existing and configured to select New uses and developments.

[La carrera universitaria que menos eligen los jóvenes: trabajo fijo y sueldos de 50.000 euros]

Those who take this degree can Working in various fields, as in Pharmaceutical sectortextile and chemical, Healthyas well as in teaching and research or In control and prevention.

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In addition, through this degree you can also access Other positions like World of winesperfumer, geochemist, inspector, Doping control specialist And even technical personnel in water purification and treatment.

Likewise, the salaries of these professionals are there 20,000-50,000 euros annually. But as Experience and skills are gainedYou will be able to look forward to higher salaries. In fact, according to the job search engine jobmay exceed the maximum salary 70,000 euros Total per year.

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