This is the only possibility to collect a winning Euromillions ticket if the expiration period has passed

Every year, numerous lottery prizes are unclaimed, sometimes in large quantities. According to the statistics, Between 30 and 70% of the lottery prizes They never asked for it. If this happens, each country decides where that money will go. While in France this money is sent to a special superboat, it always comes in Spain from the treasury. On the other hand, in the UK they have chosen to allocate a part to social organizations and projects.

In fact, this isn’t the first time this has happened. In February, special raffle winner “El Millón” was on the verge of losing the grand prize for not going to management to verify his authorship. Others, such as Martin and Kay Tott, They are left without a fortune of 3.4 million eurosSix months after playing, they found out they had the winning number.

In Spain, the exact period for being able to claim a winning lottery ticket depends on the type of game. It is usually indicated on the back of the ticket. The National Lottery offers offer a maximum of one month, while the specials for Christmas, Primitiva, Bonotolotto and Euromillions extend for up to three months from the day after the draw. However, there is a possibility Collect the prize even after the end of the period.

Expiry Terms

When awarding a lottery ticket, it is important to go to the bank or departments as soon as possible to receive it. One of the expert tips for Verification of authorship is the signature of the leaflet itselfOr, but when we share it between different people, it is also possible for banking entities to require the attendance of all participants.

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In the event that we find out too soon before the expiration date that our ticket has been given, we must check If the last day falls on a holiday in the area where the payment is processed. In this case, we will have, the term will be extended an additional day, so that we can avoid losing the prize.

As mentioned earlier, once this limit is exceeded, the user will lose the right to receive the prize amount, which will remain For the benefit of the public treasuryAs well as the remaining tickets that have not been sold.

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