This is the date and time when you will be able to observe the Andromeda Galaxy with a simple vision – Enséñame de Ciencia

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In the coming days of From 5 to 8 Decemberlovers of the night sky will have a unique opportunity to enjoy its beauty Andromeda Galaxy, an experience offered thanks to ideal weather conditions. Although at first glance it may look like a long, mysterious cloud, this celestial phenomenon is actually home to about 1 billion starsextending along approx 200 thousand light yearseven exceeding our region milky way In size.

Located at an amazing distance from 2.4 million light-years away from Earth, Andromeda Galaxy It becomes a visible sight without the need for telescopes or sophisticated instruments. For those who want to embark on this exciting astronomical journey, we share with you a simple observation guide.

How to find the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye?

The starting point is in the sky, where you must locate Pegasus Grand Square. There, guide you Endoscopes Towards the star Alfratz. Then direct your gaze in a straight line to the east, locating the star Mirash In a constellation Andromeda. Continue in this direction until you find a spreading cloud; There lies greatness Andromeda Galaxy.

If astrology is not your strong point, don’t worry. you can use Stargazing apps That will guide you precisely to the location of this celestial phenomenon.

Prepare for an astronomical experience

Before immersing yourself in the magnificent view of Andromeda GalaxyIt is recommended to turn off your phone Once the galaxy is located. This simple act will allow you eyes It perfectly adapts to the dark, giving you a fuller and richer experience.

Plus, knowing a little history adds a special touch to the experience. the Andromeda Galaxyalso known as M31 In the catalogue Charles Messierseen for the first time in the year 964 AD By Persian astronomer Abdul Rahman Al-SufiWho described it as a small cloud in the sky. And it was only in 1962 Which Simon Marius Watch it through A telescopeDescribing it as an indefinable glow.

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At first glance, this galaxy may look like a strange, elongated cloud, but the truth is that it contains an enormous collection of galaxies. 1 billion starsexpanding over a diameter of approx 200 thousand light yearsWhich makes it larger than our own milky way. She has too Space galaxies how M32 And M110which can be explored Small telescopesas shown National Geographic.

Source: Photocluster-Canva
A unique experience in the universe

contemplation Andromeda Galaxy The naked eye is not only an opportunity to marvel at the vastness of the universe, but also a direct connection to the history of astronomy. Since the first observations in this century s To today’s detailed descriptions, and Andromeda Galaxy It has captured the imagination of generations.

This astronomical event invites us to reflect on our place in the universe and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the galaxy we call home. So, this week, look up at the night sky and enjoy the mesmerizing view of the sky Andromeda GalaxyA heavenly jewel that reminds us of the immensity and mystery of the universe in which we live. I hope you enjoy this unique experience in the immensity of the universe!

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