They propose 15 points for the Law of Science

Members of public and private universities announced the 15 points, including “ensuring the broad participation of the academic community and the private and social sectors at various levels of planning, formulating and coordinating the policy of“ science, technology and innovation ”and“ ensuring freedom of research with perspectives on human rights, gender equality and recognition of value. The strategy for all forms of science, ”which must be taken into account when developing the general law for science and technology, in the National Council for Science and Technology. Science and Technology (CONACET).

The 15 points were the result of “Days of Reflection on the Science, Technology and Innovation System We Need for the Future”, in which a total of 13 tables were held, with the participation of 120 members from 17 institutions such as UNAM, UAM. , Querétaro Autonomous University, IPN, Tecnológico de Monterrey, University of the Valley of Mexico, University of Cinvestav, University of Ibero-American and University of Guadalajara.

The tables were held between April 26 and 30, but yesterday they released the list with 15 points “which must necessarily contain the General Law on Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI) aiming to change the country.”

For example, Number Five proposes “ensuring freedom of research with the perspective of human rights and gender equality and recognizing the strategic value of all forms of science,” a topic that has been referred to by various specialists since last December, when Maria Elena Alvarez Boela, Director of Conacyt introduced Maria Elena Alvarez Boela. To the President the Initial Draft of the General Law of the Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation.

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In the sixth point, members of educational institutions suggested that “any discrimination against researchers working in private institutions should be removed, including incentives as members of the National System of Researchers (SNI)”.

This point is not isolated, as it was introduced through the recent decisions of Conacyt, as reforms introduced to the SNI regulation were published in the Federation’s Official Gazette a few days ago, where it was stipulated that researchers from the private sector would no longer be received. Economic incentives.

Private universities have a lot of participation. 10% of articles published annually in high-profile scientific journals are by academics from private institutions. We are a very productive academy, where we touch, we make an effort to promote the scientific work that is done in Mexico, said Marisol Silva, Director of Research and Graduate Studies in Ibero America.

On another point, members of the scientific community indicated the necessity of “allocating resources on the basis of regular and transparent calls, which consider procedures for assessing the quality of projects based on clear and agreed upon criteria, which are implemented through associations in which the scientific community participates.”

“In terms of scholarships and opening places, they are career options for young people and if one prioritizes or cuts options for scholarships and programs, it directly affects people who will not go to the next grade, who think William Lee, Scientific Research Coordinator at UNAM said:” Their area is useless because the authorities do not take it into account, and this discourages young people from interest in science. ”

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They added that it is also necessary to “ensure stable financing for science, technology and innovation from an increasing percentage of annual public spending, while strengthening cooperation between the public and private sectors, forming international networks, protecting intellectual property rights, and setting an interim target.” Determined by law. ”

William Lee indicated that Congress still does not have a general bill and that the aim of the conference is to “provide the elements so that lawmakers can craft law serving the sector for the country”, and thus, the 15 points they announced would be presented to the authorities and even to Conacyt.

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