They opened a GTA-themed restaurant in real life, but they copied it so well that Rockstar bosses killed their project for good – Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Even though they only “stole” the idea of ​​GTA a few days a year, Rockstar didn’t let them move forward.

They had an unbeatable business idea, but they ran into it. A company that will not hesitate to protect its intellectual property.In 2022, an American restaurant chain called Smokin J’s BBQ moved its business to the United States. San Diego Comic Conone of the highlights of the event focused on comics and pop culture. To do this, they decided to adapt to the event’s audience. Turn your restaurant into a replica of Cluckin’ of the most famous hospitality establishments in Grand Theft Auto EpicThey did it perfectly, changing their staff’s clothing and paying attention to detail so that the experience was as similar to a video game as possible.

Rockstar has put an end to a near-perfect idea.

Based on the good reception they received for the idea, the brand’s goal was to Implement the same initiative At the aforementioned San Diego Comic-Con in 2023. However, they were unable to implement it. The brand responsible for the project received a Electronic Cease and Desist by interactive tic toe (the company that owns Rockstar). In it, the company asked them not to use the fictional brands from the Grand Theft Auto saga in their own restaurants, even if they were only borrowing them temporarily.

“Last night we received a cease and desist letter from the legal firm representing Take-Two Interactive. In response, we have been forced to cancel the Burger Shot event scheduled for this weekend. [en la Comic Con]We’re also opening a Cluckin’ Bell-like facility next weekend. Now it’ll be a fake restaurant called Don’t Cluckin Tell. [un juego de palabras entre el nombre del restaurante y la expresión ‘dont fucking tell’, que significa algo así como ‘no digas nada’]”, RockstarIntel representatives explained to the media.

The company also had the idea to create a replica of the Burger Shot (photo courtesy of Smokin J’s BBQ).

This is it One of those pieces of news that always feels like a bucket of cold water among fans. The fact is that the idea of ​​having a restaurant that imitates the one he created rock star In GTA, when it’s an event that only lasts a few days, it doesn’t seem particularly harmful to the people responsible for Grand Theft Auto.

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However, it should be remembered that this project has a clear profit motive and that it may lead to confusion among the attendees. Furthermore, Take-Two may take this into consideration. Any kind of problem in the restaurant would jeopardize its image..

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