They find the remains of six people in secret cemeteries in Guaymas, Sonora

On Sunday, April 11, six secret graves and the remains of at least six people were found in the town of San José de Guaymas, Sonora.

The discovery was revealed and announced by the Mothers Seekers in Sonora, who added that in previous days, they had identified nine graves at the same site.

“We also discovered the reuse of graves,” they wrote on social media.

Among the remains was presumed a woman, as there were bars of women’s underwear.

On April 1, the group announced the discovery of calcified bone remains in the Guaymas Valley. On that occasion, they confirmed that since January they had found several remains in the same condition in the area.

Less than a week ago, the Under Secretary for Human Rights reported a count of 1,606 secret graves found across the country, between December 2018 and April 7, 2021.

In turn, the ten municipalities with the highest concentration of secret cemeteries in the same period were identified, including one from Sonora State, Puerto Peñasco, with 37 of them.

Sonora is also among the 10 states with the most reports of missing persons, with 1,253 disappearances recorded between the last month of 2018 and April 7 of this year.

In the same period, the Undersecretary for Human Rights documented 19,527 missing persons who had not been located at the national level.

Colectivo Madres Buscadoras de Sonora brings together about 200 members, who are searching for the 600 people who have disappeared in the past decade in this northwestern Mexican state.

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As of October 2020, they had found the skeletal remains of about 200 people and secret graves in various municipalities of the border state.

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