They disassemble the AirPods Max and discover that their headband can be interchangeable

It looks like the pads won’t be the last interchangeable part of AirPods Max. This has been fixed Get off already A few weeks ago, I posted more details in your guide now that you have more time to go through all of the pieces. And surprise: Airpods Max headband appears to be interchangeable.

The secret will be in that aforementioned wreath It can be removed using iPhone SIM removal tool (This “clamp” is always included in the box) or with a very thin screwdriver. There is no need to disassemble anything, just remove the earbuds to access the hole the instrument is inserted into.

Headphones are more customizable than they seem

There are more clues Which indicates that Apple intends or at least intends to introduce these bands as an interchangeable accessory. In the AirPods Max boxes, as you can see in the photo above, the headphones and headphones can be color separately. Additionally, the headband ends are plug ports (similar to the Lightning port, by the way) that may be able to pass data and power between the side speakers.

On 9to5Mac They also point out what’s in The latest beta version IOS 14.4 describes the type of headband the AirPods Max are wearing. It could be a sign that Apple is starting Bands sell separately, So that it can be customized with additional purchases. As always, we’ll have to wait to see if these high-end headphones still have aces.

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