They are implementing a strategy to promote comprehensive training in Colombia

As revealed by the Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Oscar Sanchez, the strategy seeks to add other areas of knowledge to the development of cognitive capabilities, including the artistic field, physical well-being and citizen education.

The official explained in statements published on the social media network that this complement to education, which allows bringing not only traditional subjects and digital skills but also art, physical training, sports, social, emotional and civil training for peace to schools, means the presence of a special teacher. X.

He added that this number is a person who helps in each school in organizing the offers that come from the Ministry of Sports, the Ministry of Culture, and those related to information technology and the educational system itself to give the opportunity to students in the primary and secondary levels. To reach what we call centers of interest, to training experiences.

He added that in addition to traditional classrooms, it is expected that there will be more spaces where children receive appropriate environmental education.

He pointed out that the latest program will include tours in the region, learning about natural reserves and waste disposal sites, and understanding the environmental impacts of climate change and the wealth of biodiversity in their region.

Sanchez also commented that artistic practice would have a greater place, and pointed to the “Voices for Peacebuilding” program implemented by the Ministry of Culture, under which students form symphony orchestras and popular music groups.

He explained that for all this to be possible, 7,430 teachers are needed, whom each Ministry of Education has obtained a license to appoint.

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