They accuse him of defrauding nearly 400,000 euros from the treasury

The investigation into the Real Madrid coach’s tax records has been closed and he does so with bad news for him. Judge Maria Enmaculada Lova considers him responsible for a fraud against the public treasury for 2014 (the amount of 386,361 euros), for which the Italian coach will have to sit on the bench.

And the summary of the report, according to the newspaper “El Mundo”, indicates this Ancelotti He hid from the Treasury the image rights derived from his advertising contracts after signing with Real Madrid in 2013: “As a taxpayer, he filed matching personal income tax returns in 2014 where he recorded the personal labor wage he received from Real Madrid, not including any income. resulting from the exploitation of their image rights,” the report states. “Neither those derived from his relationship with Real Madrid nor those obtained as a result of signing contracts related to other brands or companies.” He correctly announced his salary as coach of the Merengue team, which amounted to 5,810,963 euros.

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In his statement to the court, the former footballer admitted the facts and attributed them to bad advice. Everything points to the fact that the trial will end with a prison sentence does not mean that he will enter and pay the defrauded share (386,361 euros) and the corresponding penalty.

However, it’s not all bad news for Ancelotti Exempted from the second tax offense attributed to himReferring to taxes for the 2015 financial year. The coach joined Real Madrid in 2013 and two years later signed with Bayern Munich. He declared that the total income from both clubs amounted to €14,863,117 and he did so in the United Kingdom, which he considered his tax residence. However, the Tax Authority attributed more than 183 days of being in Spain and demanded taxes, but the Investigating Judge No. 35 of Madrid considers that it has been proven that Ancelotti stayed only 155 days in our country in this period: “During the last seven months of 2015 outside Spain, And mainly in Canada, the United Kingdom and Italy, where he established his tax residence in the United Kingdom (…) He returned to Spain only one day in September and four in November. The judge also issued a strong rebuke to the Treasury, asserting that Ancelotti “filed a tax return in Spain by mistake”, and for this reason “cannot be considered an admission or admission of guilt”.

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For all these reasons, the judge ordered the lifting of the ban on Ancelotti’s salaries, which was imposed upon his return to Real Madrid in 2021 and amounted to 1,420,120 euros.

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