These are the countries millionaires prefer to immigrate to

2022 Break with the old models in terms of Millionaire Exodus.

Gone are the days when people in high places sought the safety of countries like the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom because they offered the best opportunities for economic growth and personal peace of mind with lower crime rates.

But times are changing and now millionaires have very specific interests when it comes to immigration because they have a lot of Countries that are willing to receive them with open arms. The reason is that wealthy immigrants rarely compete for jobs with natives, do not overburden health care systems because they prefer to pay for exclusive private care, and are more likely to invest money in local economies.

Transnational millionaires evaluate aspects such as Quality of life, political and economic stability and financial incentives Such as preferential tax treatment and favorable immigration policies of a country when determining an immigration destination.

They are particularly interested in programs that offer residency and citizenship to people who invest a large amount of money (sometimes known as Golden Visasor “Golden Passport”), the so-calledDigital nomadAnd other incentives offered by host countries to attract investment.

The truth is that many rich people get residency in a country but only stay there for as long as necessary. His real interest is in taking advantage of the tax benefits or investment opportunities that his new legal status offers him.

It is believed that in 2022, About 88,000 high net worth individuals have decided to reside in a foreign countrywhile the forecast for 2023 is around 125,000, according to consulting firm Henley & Partners.

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Here we show you The ten countries preferred by millionaires in 2022.

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