“There will be a pandemic or two in this century.”

Raúl Ortiz de Lagarazzo, spokesperson for the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (CEMIC).

pandemic COVID-19 It has been around the world for more than a year and it seems that after all this time it begins to decline and social life is gradually recovering Normal. despite this, Raul Ortiz de LagarazzoSpokesperson for the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (simk) He warns that this “lesson” must serve in the future, as “there will be one or two more epidemics in this century, even if they are not equal to this.”

Thus Ortiz de Lejarazu analyzes pandemic management in Covid-19 private lessons, promoted by Redacción Médica, and where key actors from all regions analyze what this pandemic that began in March 2020 means. “When I was planning a quiet and self-directed academic retirement, this virus arrived, speeded up and changed everything,” admits Ortiz de Lejarazu, who confirms The health crisis was a real challenge for him.

What balance are you striking in managing the COVID-19 pandemic?

I think it has lights and shadows. Among the first science and medicine They responded effectively by their scientists and health workers, good evidence is the knowledge shared from the start pandemic, get Vaccines, etc. The improvement of international cooperation since the first months and the solidarity shown by the people.

among the shadows, Initial denial or stubborn of some political leaders, the apparent lack of experts of communication Epidemic alert In the interest of health, the central incompleteness in the beginning to achieve health resources By an inexperienced department, of this kind Cruel and Strict Imprisonment It was done with children or activities alone, the absence of diagnostics, assistance or protection fell on all medical colleagues, nurses, assistants, officials, etc., causing suffering, stress and infections that could be avoided in hospitals.

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What do you think were the strongest points of Spanish health when it comes to dealing with the pandemic? And what about the weak?

The strong The accessibility of the system is unparalleled in any other system the health the one I know. Even in the worst moments, there was more access to our health care than in other countries. . level exercise and prepare us health professionals It must be a reason pride Above all, it shows responsibility and professional dedication in the most difficult moments that lasted twenty months later.

The weak They underwent a regime more prepared to attend to the chronic pathology of the stress of an acute and intense condition temporarily without neglecting the other excessively. Myopia of some middle-level hospital administrators especially No pandemic plans Updated, revised, agreed upon and tested with the CCAA and the exercises that some (few) countries in the world do regularly.

“Spain saved from this epidemic”

Is Spain ready to face a new pandemic in the future?

Spain Like other countries “punished” from this epidemic. This should be translated to significantly improve the above aspects, taking advantage of Talent and professional excellence present in SpainGuides for professionals and scientists have been updated. boost industries from field Biology, Vaccines and Health Resources Which allows us in some areas to be fully or partially self-sufficient. strengthening in political parties The Excellence portfolio Or departments dedicated to health, because they are decentralized, do not usually have good management personalities or poor advisors. I think this “lesson” should serve in the future. there will be One or two epidemics in this centuryEven if they are not worth it.

What personal learning is the Covid-19 pandemic leaving for you?

Mainly social and human behavior with the evolution of the epidemic. In the scientific arrangement, it was quite a challenge for me, to study, conferences, interviews, corporate advice, etc. When I was planning to Quiet Academic Retirement and self-guidance This virus has arrived It has accelerated and everything has changed. This year and last in NIC from Valladolid (National Influenza Center del Gisrs) We have published more articles, interviews, book chapters, etc., than in 2019, and this resulted from pandemic alert. Neither my colleagues nor my colleagues had time to be bored. And This follows.

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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