There was an agreement at the UNLP Faculty of Medical Sciences and Basualdo Firat was re-elected Dean

After two board sessions were truncated, the dean was voted on Friday at the National University of La Plata (UNLP) Faculty of Medical Sciences, and Juan Angel Pasualdo Furat was re-elected by 13 votes to the board. member out of 16.

In addition to the seven professors and non-teachers, the five students (the four from Remediar and the chancellor responding to the front line between Viento de Abajo and UNITE) accompanied Basualdo Farjat’s re-election. For their part, the two graduates and head of the Department of Practical Work voted against and suggested Marcelo Urriart as the highest academic authority.

The elections took place in a climate of heightened tension in the academic unit as student rallies demanded attendance, nutrition teachers demanded payment of their salaries and the resignation of the Gonzalo Martinez College Entrance Course Coordinator, who publicly presented a harsh rhetoric against the authorities.

According to this medium, Basualdo promised to meet the demands of the students to guarantee the five votes after two failed sessions, on Monday and Wednesday of this week, in which there was no quorum.

In order to be re-elected, the current dean needed the support of 11 directors and as of this week only had eight. Finally, he reached an agreement with the students and reached out to 13 students for re-election.

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