There are six ‘barriers’ in the UK causing accidents since 1980 and a video has compiled them

a bollard It is an iron or cement shaft, usually of medium to short height, intended to prevent the passage of vehicles into pedestrian areas. It is also used so that cars do not park where they do not belong.

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In different parts of the world, there are accidents in which motorists fail to avoid poles. neighbor of Watford, United kingdom I decided to shoot and broadcast a clip that combines various clashes starring these publications with horrific images.

Dangerous Watford Columns. Video: YouTube Woodmere Avenue Crashes

Amateur Film Maker Tim FigureWho lives in front of a checkpoint and decided to install cameras in his house to ensure security against theft and also to document Traffic Accidents. “I totally understand why some people find it funny, but that’s because it’s not in front of their house. I didn’t want it to become a joke because I want to eliminate it,” the man said in an interview with local media.

“I’ve had some discussion because people say columns are something inanimate, which is true, but the whole design is not true,” Vigor added, referring to the controversy caused by the placement of urban furniture. Is that the columns caused damage Doors, rearview mirrors, tires, axles and fenders, among other components in compounds.

The main reason is that drivers are not able to calculate the distance to pass between the poles. Although it is also true that some accidents have been created by reckless drivers when steering wheel.

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Barriers have been causing accidents for 40 years

local authorities in Watford They installed the columns on Woodmere Street that limit the width of the vehicles. These are six urban furnishings installed in 1980, made of cement and allowing transportation of no more than two metres.

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Since then, columns have been involved in Vehicle accidents. While the politicians in the area are far from offering a solution, they decided to beef up the furniture, increasing the damage it could generate because they are virtually indestructible.

In this sense, the official voices highlighted that “the limitation of the offer is clearly defined in both Woodmere Street As in the adjacent roads. As long as your car is no more than two meters wide, you can hit the street.”

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