There are no awards for a woman’s name

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subordinate 10 National Research Awards 2021, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, four of which were awarded to women. There is no parity, but it is approximately, and it is not always necessary to look for it as long as there is an equilibrium.

These awards were created in 1982 The most important recognition of Spain in the field of scientific research. The latest edition was the second in which the Ten Modalities were held in the same year. Out of a total of 119 applications, 115 were accepted, of whom 27 were women and 88 were men.

Those who have received this recognition in their fields of research are biologists Montserrat Villa PlanillaAnd the Maria Jose Alonso Fernandez For his career in nanomedicine, purification muñoz kanov For her research with stem cells and an archaeologist Margherita Diaz Andrew.

Also among them are the scholars Francisco José García Vidal, Hermenegildo García Gómez, Luis Vega Gonzalez, Jesus Fernando San Miguel Izquierdo, Aníbal Oleiro Batoroni and Jordi Galli Garita.

What sets these awards apart, no matter who they are awarded to, is that Each of them has a masculine name in writing. There is no trace of women who, throughout the history of science in Spain, who have been relevant and, therefore, can gain insight now because we are in need of it and we are determined to do so.

Male labels only

Persons of recognized international standing Such as Juan de la Cierva, Gregorio Marañón, Santiago Ramón y Cajal or Ramón Menéndez Pidal serve to name national awards in the fields of technology transfer, medicine, biology and humanities, respectively.

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The list was completed by Blas Cabrera (physical sciences), Enrique Mullis (chemical sciences and technology), Alejandro Malaspina (natural resources science and technology), Giulio Rey Pastor (mathematics), Leonardo Torres Quevedo (engineering) and Pascual Madoz (law, economic and social sciences).

A few months ago, the Ministry of Science and Innovation expressed its intention to do so Rename these awards by regionsa decision not supported by the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (CRUE).

The institution that registered its disagreement in a statement stating that “a developed society, which enjoys the basic scientific culture to learn about and integrate the progress of science, needs above all else It has document references and historical and current personalities able to serve as models of creativity and effort for their fellow citizens.”

Margherita Salas: The Most Repeated Reference

There is no doubt that awards of this caliber serve to enhance the character of Spanish scholars, and they should also be Showcase the achievements of the scientists. Here it is difficult to find references. Biochemist Margarita Salas is one of them.

Under his name, the Madrid City Council held last year Margherita Salas Research Awards. With them, this consortium wants to distinguish the most outstanding doctoral theses in two categories: basic sciences (physics, chemistry and mathematics) and life sciences (biology, medicine and environment) which in the first edition went to researcher Alicia Gonzalo Martín and researcher José Bonafont Arago respectively.

The Community of Madrid has also created some prizes under the same name – the Margarita Salas Prize – which in its first edition went to María Vallet, in the scientific career category, and lvaro San Millán, in the under-40 category.

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For their part, the ACES-Margarita Salas Awards, established by the Association of Spanish Scientists in Sweden, to recognize the scientific work done by researchers of Spanish nationality and having an international impact. The first of them, awarded last year, dropped to Mercedes Maroto Valere.

Providing references to reduce the gender gap is one of the goals that has been marked in the agenda of all actors trying to achieve equality in the world of science and research. Highlight the women who have made great achievements in this field in one of the suspended accounts. Use their names to reward the work of others – and others – It should already be on the table.

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