The virus gives us a science lesson | opinion

I have written so many times that covid will contribute to related research for years that I now feel terrible if your results were stolen from you. I know that no one wants to even hear about a pandemic, let alone the knowledge derived from it, but I think it’s my duty—and maybe my obligation too, idle reader—to care even about the implications that SARS-CoV-2 takes on scientific thought. Remember, the great power of science is that it makes a bloody, sharp, and enduring critique of itself. This is what allows you to exclude errors, …

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I have written so many times that covid will contribute to related research for years that I now feel terrible if your results were stolen from you. I know that no one wants to even hear about a pandemic, let alone the knowledge derived from it, but I think it’s my duty—and maybe my obligation too, idle reader—to care even about the implications that SARS-CoV-2 takes on scientific thought. Remember, the great power of science is that it makes a bloody, sharp, and enduring critique of itself. This is what allows you to exclude errors, correct theories and put the knowledge received into serious trouble.

An increasing number of physicians and scientists, for example, are becoming convinced that there are rare cases of COVID-19, a permanent neurological condition, that associated with vaccinationAnd they began to call them long vax. Symptoms appear days or weeks after vaccination and include fatigue, headaches, cardiovascular disturbances, sometimes the sensation of receiving an electric shock, and sometimes the famous “brain fog” described by many patients.

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The issue of journalism ethics. Attributing a negative impact to vaccination would have been dangerous in 2021 or 2022, because vaccines have saved millions of lives in half the world. But it’s time to turn the page. They are rare cases, he insisted, far more rare than cases of long-term coronavirus that cause mere infection with the virus, but the observations require more systematic study. In the medium term, there will be many patients who will benefit from it. Fear of toxic vaccine networks is poor counsel. Against lies, it is not fought with silence, but with arguments.

Another issue that has just been made clear is the usefulness of mobile apps for tracking. The prevailing perception is that we have given them so much pomp and circumstance and then they are of no use. But the reality is not consistent. During 2020, the first year of the pandemic, about 50 countries deployed these systems. If a person with coronavirus has been close to a healthy person for more than 15 minutes, the healthy person will receive a notification. As long as they both download the app, of course. British scientists now estimate that this tool He saved thousands of lives in his country. No current pandemic plan, not even the World Health Organization’s, mentions these apps. It’s a mistake.

Speaking of the World Health Organization, its new chief scientist, British physician Jeremy Farrar, recently landed after 10 years at the Wellcome Trust, one of the largest biomedical institutions in the world, confirms that You will stay focused on covid So that global health does not recede in the wrong direction. Farrar wants to be closer to countries, with the stated intention of providing them with the science they need to make their own decisions. If only he had achieved it, a memorial would have to be erected for him. If science guides policy decisions on major issues – health, education and climate change – then governments will pay less attention to the toxic waste in circulation. However, I’m afraid we are far from this world.

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