The Valencian Community receives the largest foreign investment in the past decade

The Valencian Community receives the largest foreign investment in the past decadeInformation


the Valencian Community Received last year The largest volume of foreign investment in the past decade, According to the latest figures published by the Register of Foreign Investment (RIE) released by the Ministry of Economy on Tuesday. Specifically, dedicated international capital 2,036 million For various projects in autonomy, which represents a growth of 135% compared to 2021.

Minister of Sustainable Economy, Raphael Clement, who was in India this week on a corporate mission, was very pleased with the “positive upward trend in investment in our land and what this means for our Revitalizing our economy“.

“The corresponding data for 2022 represents an increase of 189% compared to the average of the past decade. In addition, these data are as follows Not to mention the Volkswagen project Which shows that our lands are very attractive to companies,” noted Clement, who referred to the work he had done Valencia Investment Office to facilitate access to these investments.

Minister Rafa Clement and Generalitat’s Director General of Internationalization, Mary Barra.

Depending on the type of operation, the 76% of investment corresponds to reinvestment also Accessories Among established foreign companies, 22% corresponds to acquisitions and 3% to new investments.

These numbers confirm that Companies come to staywho can expand their businesses and investments in a favorable business climate and great opportunities for growth.”

The origin of the investment

According to the origin of the investment, in 2022 investments United State (799 million euros), with large investments in the tiles and hotels sector, United kingdom (464 million euros), with investments in food industries, stone cutting and finishing, France (463 million euros) with large investments in the field of communications.

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Follow him Austria (110 million euros). Another 5 countries (Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Hungary) exceeded the €10 million level of investment last year.

Minister Rafa Clement announced that an investment-focused event will be held in the Valencian community next week. At the event, which will take place on March 29, there will be a review of the foreign investment situation in society, while information will be given on the projects attended in 2022 by the Valencian Investmen Desk (VID), of the Ivace department in charge of attracting investment. This conference is aimed at prescribers, professionals and agents involved in setting up companies in the Valencian Community.

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