The Uruguayan government has union proposals for the crisis

Hours earlier, the CEO of the Pit-Cnt Workers Central, headed by Marcelo Abdallah, handed the president a list of 10 petitions, anticipating the contents of the mega event on May 1.

Initiatives include doubling the amount of family benefits for the Equity Plan and the Uruguay Social Card for one year, increasing the national minimum wage, extending the validity period of solidarity wages, and increasing public investment by the central administration and public institutions.

They also urged the establishment of a housing plan with more investment in solving the housing problem, and stimulating public purchases from national companies, as a means to promote development and national action.

Regarding the latter, they conveyed the need for a tripartite social dialogue for a plan to create jobs and one for a controversial Social Security reform.

For Pit-Cnt, funding for the proposals would be from transitory tax adjustments, such as increasing the wealth tax by 10 percent for all people and companies that paid the tax in previous years without negative consequences.

He added to this, raising the income tax on economic activities from 25 to 35 percent for all companies whose net income exceeds one million dollars annually and which announce 25 percent higher profits than the previous year.

Likewise, it calls for a transitional tax on exporting companies whose destination prices have increased by at least 20 percent over the previous year, such as cases of meat, soybeans, rice and wheat, and a 2.0 percent tax on Uruguayan deposits abroad.

The idea reiterated by the labor union is that those sectors that were not affected by the crisis or made a quick recovery, contribute more to the exit.

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