The UPNA College of Legal Sciences awards its Literary Awards…

The Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) recently held the 2021 Kafka Literary Awards for the Best Legal Short Stories. In the same law, the award for the best project for a final degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources is also awarded, which is awarded together with the Official College of Social Graduates of Navarre. The event was chaired by Rafael Lara González, Dean of UPNA’s School of Legal Sciences, and David Delgado Ramos, President of the Official College of Social Alumni of Navarra.

The winning student of the VI Kafka Prize in the Castilian Way was Axel Cárdenas Roldán for his story “Del derecho a su vida” and in Basque the first prize went to Peio Ardaiz Galé for Legearen aurrean. The second awards, respectively in both styles, went to David Edgar Araiz Huarte for his story “Two Faces of the Same World” and to Amaiur Guindeo Arandigoien for “Askatasunaren koloreak”. Grelly Betty Cardeña Poma also received a special mention in Spanish for the song Atrapada.

The Kafka Prizes are an initiative selected in the Call for Cultural Projects of the University, and relies on the University Agency to project University, Culture and Publishing.

Best Work Award in Labor Relations and Human Resources

Fatma Moral Escudero won the first prize for the best final degree project in Labor Relations and Human Resources defended in the 2019-20 academic year, and is the author of the book “Video Surveillance as a Control Tool in Labor Relations”. The jury highlighted the work directed by Professor Julien Lorenz Espada, “the careful legal analysis of the idiosyncratic doctrine carried out by the author in an area of ​​special and objective importance, such as the use of technology in the field of employing human relations and its impact on fundamental rights.”

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