The University of Navarre Science Museum takes the sciences at street level at 50 points from Pamplona and the region

The University of Navarre Science Museum opened today”flag on the street‘, an activity to bring citizens closer to the science behind everyday aspects such as, for example, Beer, loaf of bread, cell phone, car, or fruit by charts.

The Science Museum produced 50 diagrams in Spanish and Basque and displayed them on twenty totem poles and thirty tents in Pamplona and the region. Leaves It can be downloaded via QR code.

Presented in the totem of 38- Masoud (Pamplona) He’s got an interference Ignacio Lopez GoniScience Museum Director Agurtzane Martínez Ortigosa, Director General of Innovation in the Government of Navarra, and Fernando SesmaEducation and Citizen Participation and Youth Advisor.

Promote scientific culture

The museum director emphasized that this initiative aims to tell different stories about “citizen science” and encouraged other municipal councils in the independent community “to cooperate in bringing science to their cities and even to schools.”

Agurtzane Martínez OrtigosaThe Director-General of Innovation in the Navarre government stressed that this activity is special “because it helps to solve a problem that exists in society, which is the lack of scientific culture”. He said, “Science is in everything we do. As this campaign demonstrates, we need to change the perception of science as something out of the box, because the future that lies ahead will need scientific and technical files.”

Finally, the counselor Fernando Sesma He emphasized that Pamplona is part of the International Association for the Education of Cities and that the entire city is being transformed into an educational space. For this reason, he highlighted this initiative in which “the citizens of Pamplona can be seen walking around the city with charts of totems and parachutes and seeing the science behind the many issues that seem to us every day.”

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This outreach activity is part of the activities organized by this institution for Science Week. It’s an initiative University of Navarre Science Museum and Head of the Department of Scientific Culture at the University of the Basque Country, in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) / Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Government of Navarre and the Pamplona City Council.

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