The United Kingdom discovers a little-known Spanish island with amazing beaches and pirate legends

Spain's tourist offer has nothing to envy for foreigners. In fact, from time to time the European press focuses on Spanish beaches and interesting places. at recent days, the sun It focused on a small island located in the Rías Baixas.

It's about Salvora Island. The newspaper highlights that it is “unknown” to tourists and that it is located “only 10 minutes from the continent,” as well as its geographical location. The “beautiful beaches” and “pirate stories” he once witnessed.

So it was. This island is located about three kilometers from the mainland and was a refuge for both pirates and pirates. Although this happened centuries ago. Specifically, it was occupied by pirates in the late Middle Ages, While the latter did the same between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.

In 2001 it became part of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. And you can visit. According to the British tabloid, it takes Only 40 minutes if you prefer to go by boat; But only 10 if you choose to go by boat.

The beach highlighted by the same newspaper is Praia do Castelo Ou do Almacén, which is distinguished by its crystalline waters. Although he does not stop recommending the other three beaches located in the northern part of the island: Praia de Zafra, Praia dos Bos and Praia de Lagos.

A picture of Salvora IslandGetty Images

In addition to small houses and a salting factory also located on the island, the sun Don't let the sirens you live in go unnoticed. Legend has it that a Roman knight was shipwrecked on the island of Salvora. While he was walking on one of its beaches. He found a mermaid and fell madly in love with her.

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As a result of their relationship, a little boy was born, whom they named Marineau. This is exactly the title of the family that maintained ownership of the island. In honor of the legend, a statue was erected.

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