The United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland, the first to abolish the restrictions imposed by the epidemic

The sixth wave of the epidemic has already begun to decline from the peak of its maximum prevalence, and given the certainty that the Omicron variant was more contagious but less dangerous in its effects on health, the world began to de-escalate especially in February although it does so unevenly. The European Union has already confirmed that from February 1, you will be able to travel without any restrictions other than presenting a COVID passportThis indicates that a full vaccination schedule is available, but countries like The UK, Ireland and Denmark go one step further.

launder | pixabay

Boris Johnson was the first to announce the end of mandatory use of the mask, but since he was personally in trouble over the controversial parties organized at the presidential residence during confinement, there were those who thought it was more of a marketing and misleading maneuver than a real announcement of the end of the pandemic (from its transformation into an endemic epidemic, more precisely) but, as the days went by, we saw that it was not; In the United Kingdom, the mask is no longer mandatory since January 26 and in the same way all restrictions related to the epidemic have been reduced; In addition, after the United Kingdom, the announcements of Ireland and Denmark arrived, announcements that would not only be the first of a long list that would eventually swell all countries.

Temple Bar Dublin
Temple Bar Dublin | Image courtesy of Tourism Ireland

Last Friday, Ireland announced an end to public health restrictions on the island, effective January 29ththe date on which bars and restaurants will resume their activities in their normal working hours and without a decrease in capacity, the same will happen in all events that take place from now on outdoors and indoors, as well as in sporting events such as football matches.

La idea del gobierno irlandés es adelantarse en la elimininación de las restricciones para animar al turismo internacional a volver a Ireland cuanto antes y lo explican tal que así: ‘Tenemos much as ganas de desplegar la alfantes dar nu esteren de bivolva everyone’.

This move is really important for Ireland because, after Brexit, it has established itself as a preferred destination for Europeans for study trips (to learn English), as well as being a very attractive country for lovers of nature…and black beer. In addition, the speed with which restrictions are being lifted means that on a memorable day in Dublin, the centenary of the publication of Joyce Ulysses and the author’s birthday, which is celebrated next February, the country is open to the world.

Dinamarca | pixabay

Denmark loaned Ireland out and just announced an end to restrictions in February: The use of a mask in public places is no longer mandatory and restrictions related to the control of the capacity and hours of all establishments will be lifted; This way, those visiting the country will be able to do so freely, although only if they present a COVID passport, i.e. if they have been vaccinated, otherwise they must submit a negative coronavirus test and could even be forced into quarantine for a few days.

Given the EU’s decision and the first steps towards de-escalating the pandemic by Ireland and Denmark, it is conceivable that February could be the beginning of a return to normalcy. Have you already thought about what your first international trip would be? In the UK, Denmark and Ireland awaits you…

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