The United Kingdom begins to reopen its schools under strict health measures

The UK continues to take small steps towards normality. After closing more than two months, The state schools began to operate in person againAlways under strict health measures and in an overlapping manner.

Starting Monday, elementary classrooms will open their doors, while high school classes will open starting next week. New scenario for students and teachers.

This is the case Alice Hudson, Of Twyford High School, who understands her center is “as safe as possible with these measures. We have other additional measures to mitigate the risks.” We all wear our masks all the time, and of course the auditions are done We are very careful when turning around. Now that the schools have reopened, we will be very familiar with the infection rate statistics in case appropriate action is needed. “

It is among the standards announced by the government Boris JohnsonHigh school students are required Take two quick tests every week until the end of the course, And students are also required to wear the mask at all times. For younger students, the restrictions aren’t drastic.

Both strong confinement and above all The large number of vaccines that have already been administered is making itself noticeable in the country, With a significant decrease in infections from the second half of February.

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