The UK is focusing on lynx recovery to develop a similar plan with the wild cat

The United Kingdom has taken an interest in the Iberian lynx recovery plans that have been implemented for years in Andalusia to save this threatened species, so as to serve as an example of a similar plan they want to implement in their country. To restore the wild cat.

A group of British parliamentarians traveled to Andalusia to learn first-hand about the various plans that the Autonomous Community has been implementing for more than a decade to recover the Iberian lynx, as well as the various initiatives being developed in Andalusia. Area Current events within the Life LynxConect program.

The Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy reported on the reception this week of a visit by this group of Conservative MPs in the British Parliament who learned about the project within the framework of the “Think Thank Oikos” program for environmental protection. Lynx preservation carried out by the Andalusian Military Council.

“It was a very productive meeting for both parties and we are at your full disposal to work together on whatever you need. We are proud that our work in lynx recovery is internationally recognized and that the Andalusian Government will always be ready to work with national and international administrations that wish to implement species recovery and conservation programs.” As is the case with this group that wants to launch a program to restore wild cats, explained the Director General of Forestry and Biodiversity Policy, Juan Ramon Pérez, in a statement.

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Life Linux Connect

The Life LynxConnect project was launched in 2020 and has a five-year operating horizon. This organization, led by the Government of Andalusia, operates in a wide area in the center and south of the peninsula that includes the entire current distribution of the Iberian lynx.

The main goal of this project is for the region to have a self-sufficient and genetically viable population within five years. To do this, it is necessary to integrate the subpopulations currently existing in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Portugal, as well as to create two new resettlement areas in Murcia and the Sierra Arana.

According to the latest census in 2022, the Iberian lynx population in Andalusia includes at least 627 specimens, 189 cubs and 126 territorial females. This data represents a significant milestone as in one year there has been an increase of 105 lynxes in the wild compared to the 2021 census.

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