The time Queen Elizabeth II danced “La Cucaracha” in Mexico

I wrote in celebrities he

the Queen Isabel II She was not known as the queen closest to the people; However, he tried in some events and trips, especially after a time lady de Because it caused an almost forced rapprochement with the rest of the royal family.

The king, who has been on the throne for more than 70 years, visited Mexico in 1975 and had a wonderful time. This was the first (and only) time they set foot on Aztec land And the first thing that the country got from real numbers. It was a great reception, Mexico was very willing and enthusiastic and thanked the Queen for her visit.

Queen Elizabeth II danced “La cucaracha” in Mexico

Queen Elizabeth II first arrived in Cozumel, an island very close to the Riviera Maya, Then he traveled to the capital to have a very elegant dinner with the president at the time: Luis Echeverría Álvarez and his wife. They ate melons from Uruapan in CDMX, formerly the Federal District, as well as strawberries from Zamora and lemon water from Silao.

The Queen was fascinated, in fact, she ate hotter, danced “Montmartre” and “La Cucaracha”, A song that, according to legend, was created because the car Pancho Villa was traveling in with his guards was a Ford T. His legs and arms showed off so they nicknamed him “La Cucaracha” to later compose a song for him called “I Can’t Walk Anymore”.

Queen Elizabeth II liked her visit to Mexico very much, although it was not repeated. In one of her speeches, she claimed to be an ally of Mexico to work together in peace and great friendship. He added that neither economic power nor military power can do what the human heart does.

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After a while, he confirmed that he was infected with the joy of the Mexicans. “They are happy. I can tell by the festive way they acted on the billboards, by the music and the noise.”he pointed out.

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