The Third International Conference on Legal Sciences – ADN – begins today

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Starting on October 25, the 3rd International Congress of Legal Sciences at UACJ, with conf. A workshop on artificial intelligence, workbenches, a heritage lecture and a book presentation. Authorities and invited specialists in digital law will open the conference.

Ciudad Juarez, Chi. (DNA) – On October 25, the Third International Congress of Legal Sciences will be opened at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez.

The event will begin with a keynote conference entitled “Myths and Realities of Artificial Intelligence in Law,” delivered by teacher Joel Gomez Treviño, a specialist in digital law, intellectual property, and personal data protection.

The conference will also include work tables and the Heritage Chair by Jorge Alberto Silva Silva, as well as a keynote lecture by Dr. Norberto Emmerich.

The activity continues throughout the day, and ends with the presentation of the book “The Science of Law and Customs” by Dr. Rolando Tamayo y Salmoran.

The university cultural center facilities will host the inaugural conference.

The Institute of Social Sciences and Management will then host workshops entitled “Panorama of Labor Law.”

Challenges and Reforms 2023”, “Prospects and Challenges in Mexico’s Tariff Policy”, “Public Policies”, “Gender Equality. “Diversity and Inclusion in the 21st Century”, “Customs Processes”, and “Human Rights and Access to Justice”.

Activities will be carried out face-to-face and in a hybrid format, in which people will also participate remotely.

The conference will present a diverse agenda of activities. This is an opportunity for academics, professionals and students to engage in a space for discussion and knowledge building.

The aim of this event is to address the main challenges facing legal science today, as well as to contribute to the generation of new ideas and perspectives.

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Those interested in attending the event must register in advance.

Registration costs vary between Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez students and other participants.

The conference will also be broadcast across the university’s digital platforms, so that everyone who cannot attend in person can access the activities.

The Third International Congress of Legal Sciences of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez promises to be a brilliant academic event. This initiative provides a unique opportunity to participate in a space to exchange ideas, as well as to delve deeper into issues affecting the legal field.

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