The surprising reason why this homemade ingredient should be added to clothing—teach me about science

Add this ingredient to the dressing.

Washing clothes is a necessary task, but unfortunately doing it incorrectly can affect its color and texture. Fortunately, there are some tricks you can use to make the job easier and not ruin your clothes. If you want to know a method that implements you will need to salt, then note the following.

Salt trick

As mentioned earlier, you can use salt to care for clothes, especially to preserve their color. For this, you will have to boil water in a pot, and then add a dye of the color of the garment you want to take care of. Then you will have to add salt and add half a cup of its grains to the pot until it is completely dissolved. By doing this, the salt will increase the color of the dye in the clothes and allow it to stay longer and avoid ruining other clothes. Now add the clothes, let them rest with the heat off, this way the clothes will absorb the dye and the salt solution. You will have to let it rest for about 30 minutes, after this time take it out and drain it carefully, keep in mind that the water is full of dye and it is very easy to smear it around, try to drain as much liquid as possible.

Finally, you will have to wash the clothes thoroughly to drain the accumulated dye and avoid staining the clothes. Once the wash cycle is over, you will only have to dry them thoroughly, avoiding using the dryer and hanging outside. We advise you to dry in the open air, because in this way clothes will not be affected by high temperatures, and also the sun’s rays will do their job. When doing so, be sure to only let it dry for an appropriate amount of time, as neglecting sunlight can discolor clothes and be counterproductive.

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Other recommendations

You will notice that in this way the clothes will remain new and their original color, we recommend doing this once every two months for better results. In the event that some unpleasant odor is left when drying clothes, you can implement some tips to remove the unpleasant odor. For this, the website of intercourse I recommend doing it as follows.

  • If the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions allow, wash your clothes at the hottest temperature possible to remove odors.
  • Add a cup of vinegar or a cup of baking soda to your laundry to get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • Consider using a clothesline to air dry your clothes for a fresh scent outdoors.
  • Use 1/2 cup of pine-scented detergent in the washer (the pine smell will go away after 1 cycle in the dryer).
  • Put moldy dry clothes in the freezer. After a few hours, you will notice that the unpleasant odor has disappeared.

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