The search for the disappeared Venezuelan revolutionary – Prinsa Latina – continues

On his Twitter account, the official detailed the investigations conducted by the Public Prosecution Office and the auxiliary judicial bodies, as well as the work of the public prosecutors in charge of the case, who conducted more than 100 criminal interviews. Experience, telephone analysis, and migration movements review, among other procedures.

According to Saab, during the investigation process, criminal groups were detected and arrested in an unsuccessful attempt to collect funds in exchange for information that would allow the location of Lanz to be located.

The Prosecutor stated that so far all procedures confirm that there was no violent act related to the disappearance of the famous Venezuelan intellectual and former guerrilla, because his leaving the house was completely voluntary and there are no elements proving the existence of an evasion plan.

He stressed that no hypothesis is excluded, because disappearances can be – forced or voluntary – and assumptions are categorical only when the victim appears under any circumstances.

Lanz’s disappearance shocked the national public opinion and some sectors of the international left, and since then, several campaigns inside and outside the country have called for further investigations to determine his whereabouts and clarify the facts.

mgt / ycv / gdc

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