The Science, Innovation and Technology Committee analyzes the accessibility of historical data in scientific research

This morning, the Committee on Science, Innovation and Technology received specialist in digital law, Eric Iriarte, and doctor in information sciences, Julio Santillan, to analyze the accessibility of historical data in scientific research.

It should be noted that the session was chaired by the Vice-President of this working group, Congressman Jorge Flores Ancache (Popular Action).

In this regard, expert Eric Iriarte pointed out that, for example, there is an endless amount of data collected in field notebooks based on little-known research that would help advance science.

Iriarte stated that if open science legislation were developed, it could contribute to generating two or three points of growth in the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) just through scientific production. “Not only that, but we could have almost 30 years of scientific continuity,” he added.

In this regard, parliamentarian Eduard Málaga Trillo (No Agrupados) urged his colleagues to work on a proposal so that research funded by public resources can see the light and be used by the scientific community as a whole.

Likewise, Congressman Málaga Trillo explained that there is a kind of tradition in many fields of social sciences and humanities not to publish their research work.

“Publishing research also requires facilities from the state to provide funding for it so that it can appear in indexed journals,” the lawmaker said.

For his part, lawmaker Flores Ancache consulted the legal barriers that limit access to historical data for research purposes and his proposals to amend the regulations.

“Many of these replicated investigations could be strengthened by the presence of open research data,” he concluded.

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