The Rise of the Black Swan, Action and Danger in Netflix

After seven years playing Jimmy Fraser stranger from homeIt’s hard to imagine a Scotsman Sam Heogan Far from being a height warrior. But in SAS: The Rise of the Black Swan, which premieres on Netflix, the actor is released from the role within about two hours of its footage.

And he does so as Tom Buckingham, the protagonist of this British action movie, directed by Magnus Martens and which brings the novel to the screen. red noticeIt is the first trilogy based on this character, written by former military officer Andy McNab.

However, he begins his novel by focusing on other characters: Mercenaries hired to negotiate with the inhabitants of a town in the Republic of Georgia Those who oppose the passage of a gas pipeline through their lands and greet the foreign group with bullets.

This leads to the elimination of the city’s men by the violent team calling itself the Black Swan – the Black Swan – and led by American William Lewis (Tom Wilkinson) and his children Grace (Ruby Rose), his favorite, and Olly. (Owen two days).

SAS: The Rise of the Black Swan | Netflix

A mission involving the gas pipeline company, Britgas, as well as UK Prime Minister Atwood (Ray Panthaki). But a young Georgian survivor records Black Swan’s violent actions with her cell phone.

This leads Atwood and the military man who hired the mercenaries, Clements (Andy Serkis), to Erase all traces of their participation in the massacreLewis eliminated. For what they used the SAS team of the Special Air Force, without revealing their connections to the killers.

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A journey that turns into a nightmare

SAS: The Rise of the Black Swan | Netflix

Here Tom Buckingham enters the scene, who is part of the SAS and enters with his companions to the house of Lewis in London. But they find only the patriarch executed by Clement himself, while his sons and the rest of the mercenaries escape.

However, after this “work,” Buckingham, who as we saw at the beginning of the story belongs to a wealthy family, invites his girlfriend, pediatrician Sophie Hart (Hannah John Kamen), to Paris, the city for which he has budgeted and ask her to marry him.

SAS: The Rise of the Black Swan | Netflix

A journey they take on the Eurostream, the train that crosses the English Channel via the undersea Eurotunnel. But this, disguised as a person with mobility problems, also climbs up on Grace, who in the middle of the journey joins his group of killers.

Those who stop the railroad and take its passengers hostage, at the exact moment, as expected for a railroad hero. SAS: The Rise of the Black SwanHowever, the unemotional Buckingham manages to escape and seeks help from his comrades-in-arms, who arrive with Clements.

Thus, as Buckingham eliminates the terrorists from the shadows, Grace shows the psychopathy with which she presents herself at the beginning of the story, and an incombustible “talent” for hand-to-hand combat, with Ruby Rose always on the edge of exaggeration.

What makes of SAS: The Rise of the Black Swan a A true and busy example of the type of work, though paired with scenes and dialogues that show the “human” side of the protagonist – with Heogan doing his best – that feels forced and somewhat out of context.

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Far and Netflix

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