The right insists on a vacancy and rules out other options in Peru

In this position, he coincided with ex-Navy Jose Quito of the Popular Renewal Party and Patricia Juarez of Fuerza Popular (FP), who form a far-right bloc with the Avanza País group.

Both proposed as a way out of the protracted political crisis to continue the search for a vacancy in Castillo “due to permanent moral impotence”, tried twice in Parliament and failed, as well as pressured the president to resign.

And Quito expressed his complete disagreement with the solution promoted by some sectors to shorten the presidential and parliamentary terms.

He pointed out that the withdrawal of one person (Castello), Vice President Dina Bullwart and the government team could not lead to the entire Parliament from being left under the control of the opposition.

He said that we have to make some reforms, such as dismissal and replacement of members of the National Elections Arbitration Commission (JNE) and other electoral bodies, because leaving the existing bodies would give “them” (Castelo supporters) the possibility to do so. What is the same or “something worse”.

He thus referred to the JNE and the National Registry, Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) rejecting those parties’ accusations of alleged fraud and their demand to annul and repeat the ballot won by Pedro Castillo before neo-liberal Keiko Fujimori.

For her part, Congressman Juarez announced that the option of vacancy in the president’s position by Parliament “has not been exhausted” and stressed that people are demanding it in the streets.

“It is time for members of Congress to take responsibility for their vote and their position in Congress,” he said, tacitly asking Center representatives who did not vote for the vacancy to do so to oust Castillo.

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So Juárez put aside his acceptance, on April 25, of the “let everyone go” formula, and has since requested the resignation of Castillo and Bullwart and added that “if we tell Castillo that Congress has to go, in good shape now, we’ll do it like this.”

This formula is supported, according to various polls, by more than 80 percent, in the event that Castillo, who has lost social support, is forced to resign or resign, but most importantly is the rejection of the behavior of Parliament.

A group of parliamentarians from the ruling Free Peru Party last week proposed shortening the term of the president and members of Congress, who will replace him after the elections, in July 2023, from five to two years.

Most of them withdrew their signatures amid speculation that it might be a test balloon and that the government focused on a draft referendum on a constituent assembly that would generate opposition opposition.

Last night, the Minister of Justice, Felix Chereau, was asked about the early elections, to which he replied that it was “possible” that it would require an agreement between the government and the opposition deciding whether the country’s future agenda should be coordinated or the establishment of a “democratic court”. new elections. , but also with governing agreements.

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