The rector receives the health sciences report

investigation. Joint research has been conducted with other universities, such as UNAM, Autónoma de Sinaloa and San Luis Potosí.

Durango Horn

The Dean of the University of Juarez, Durango State, Rubén Solís Rios, received the third report on the activities of the College of Health Sciences (FACSA), located on the Jámez Palacio Campus. During the meeting, the Director of the Faculty, Dr. Roman de Santos Sanchez, highlighted the work that he and his team had done over the past year, as well as the agreements reached to strengthen academic unity and the highest house of studies.

At the meeting, Principal De Santos Sánchez stated that work was done to maintain the quality of education and thus maintain accreditation in psychology and nutrition courses. “The college is compiling evidence for the upcoming accreditation. We want to prepare all the elements that the Mexican Council for Accreditation of Medical Education AC (COMAEM) will require,” he said.

In addition, he commented that re-accreditation of Psychology is required by the National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology (CNEIP), and accreditation of a degree in Nutrition by the Inter-Institutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES), in order to maintain or increase Level 1 .

University President Solís Rios highlighted the work being done by the college and the university community in general; He highlighted the importance of teamwork and strengthening the axes that govern the University of Juarez. He pointed out, “In this regard, three reports are missing, so it is important to strengthen community work and links with companies and educational institutions, as well as increase enrollment in university degrees to give young people more opportunities to enter our classrooms.”

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De Santos Sánchez also mentioned that the college has entered into cooperation agreements with various industries and other universities, such as the University of Guadalajara, and has established links with the municipality and communities through the Center for Health Promotion with Community Participation (Ceprospac), to manage social service for students.

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