The PS5 beats the Switch as the UK’s best-selling console in 2021

Although in countries like Spain we continue to experiment Inventory problems From the new generation of consoles that make them nearly inaccessible products, in other countries such as United kingdom It seems that The PS5 and Xbox Series X / S mode has improved over the past month. This was stated by Christopher Dring, president of, who is in his country Personal Twitter account Some data has advanced on UK console sales numbers during the month of May.

Both new generation consoles achieved higher sales in May than in AprilDring explains tweet Which you can see listed under these lines. Although he did not share specific numbers, he did provide The PS5 is already the best-selling console of 2021 in the UK, taking first place from the Nintendo Switch., Console that already takes a “good advantage”. For its part, Xbox Series X / S appears to be gaining ground in the British state.

The arrival of new consoles Next generation It influenced the best-selling video games

Exactly that De PS5 Restocking It also had an effect on me The video games bestseller for May in the UK, tops the ranking Spider-Man: Miles Morales Which also benefited from a strong opponent, in addition to the arrival of new generation consoles, was able to take the first place away from Biomutant.

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Below you can see Best-selling games in the UK for May:

  • 1.[4)الرجل العنكبوت: مايلز موراليس
  • 2. (-) بيوموتانت
  • 3. (1) Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
  • 4.[-)الجزء الأخير مننا 2
  • 5. (16) قاتل العقيدة فالهالا
  • 6. (5) معبر الحيوان: آفاق جديدة
  • 8. (13) فيفا 21
  • 9. (2) ميثوبيا
  • 10. (5) سوبر ماريو 3D العالم + غضب العربة

يبقى أن نرى ما إذا كان هذا التحسن في مخزون PS5 و Xbox Series X / S قد تم الحفاظ عليه بمرور الوقت أو كان شيئًا محددًا. اعترفت سوني نفسها أنها كذلك من غير المرجح أن إنتاج وحدة التحكم من الجيل التالي “تحسن بشكل كبير” طوال هذا العام ، بينما مايكروسوفت توقعت نقص مخزون منصتها الجديدة على الأقل حتى يونيو ، الشهر الذي بدأ للتو. نينتندو كما اعترفت مؤخرًا بتأثر إنتاج Switch ، ويرجع ذلك جزئيًا إلى الحصار الشهير لقناة السويس الذي حدث في مارس.

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