The poll selects the British actors most liked by the audience

The United kingdom It is one of the countries with the greatest cinematic traditions in the world. The European nation has endowed the world with remarkable talents and privileges. This is why recently The British pollster asked what their favorite stars weres.

Poll conducted by the English film series, Cinema show Thousands of English asked whatFavorite British Actors and Actresses of the Twenty-first Century.

The results are well achieved, but it has been concluded that the people’s favorites are neither more nor less than the actor Tom Hardy And actress Judi Dench.

The list was completed by world-famous actors such as Anthony Hopkins, Daniel Craig, and Benedict Cumberbatch, and for their part, the most mentioned stars are Olivia Coleman, Maggie Smith, Dam Helen Mirren, among others.

The study also inquired about the favorite films of the European country, The winner in this category was the franchise, Harry Potter. At the same time, More than half of those surveyed said they prefer British films over Hollywood.

The best of the UK

Given the high quality of the British artists, the survey results were not too surprising. The survey developers have spoken about it, shining a spotlight on great local talent.

“Our studio celebrates the best of the UK. Showcase Cinemas director Mark Barlow said it is a testament to all the talent we have among our actors and directors.

It’s great to see Judi DinkH as number one. It is a true British icon and is part of many favorite movies of millions of citizens. ” Added Barlow.

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Check out the full list of picks below:

Top 10 male stars in British cinema:

  1. Tom Hardy
  2. Sean Connery
  3. Anthony Hopkins
  4. Colin Firth
  5. Daniel Craig
  6. Benedict Cumberbatch
  7. Liam Neeson
  8. Ian McKellan
  9. Gary Oldman
  10. Hugh Grant

Top 10 female stars in British cinema:

  1. Judd Dench
  2. Olivia Coleman
  3. Maggie Smith
  4. Helen Mirren
  5. Kate Winslet
  6. Emma Watson
  7. Helena Bonham Carter
  8. Emily Blunt
  9. Julie Walters
  10. Keira Knightley

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