The perfect height to place your Wi-Fi router to improve internet speed – Enseñame de Ciencia

Have you noticed that the quality of the Internet connection is poor in certain parts of your home or that you simply cannot connect to it? Internet coverage and speed are affected by various circumstances, some of which may be directly related to the company that provides this service, while others may be the simple location of the Wi-Fi router inside the house, as well as objects near it.

On a previous note, we focused on explaining the things and materials that you should keep away from your Wi-Fi router so that they don’t act as wireless barriers and interfere with your home’s internet connection. For its part, today we will tell you the optimal location that this device should have in order to improve Internet coverage and speed.

So if you want to get the most out of this service and increase your internet speed and coverage throughout your home, we invite you to continue reading this article and taking notes.

What is the optimal location of the wifi router to improve internet coverage and speed?

In the first case, the optimal location for this device is a bit self-evident, because as readers know, the general rule for sufficient coverage and internet speed is to place the router close to the devices that will connect to it. So if you live alone in a bungalow, for example, the best place you can give her is in the surrounding area where she usually does homework or computer work.

On the other hand, if you live in an apartment or house where several devices in different rooms are connected to the Internet, keep in mind that the signal from the router spreads in all directions equally, in order to avoid any area of ​​the house that does not reach coverage or that the Internet speed is slow, We recommend placing it in the middle of the enclosure, and if it has several floors, on the middle floor.

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This will allow you to make sure that the whole house receives good coverage, on the other hand, if the rooms that use most of the internet are on one side of the house, you can choose to place it on that side, because it will allow the devices that connect to the internet to be closer.

What is the ideal height for a wireless router to be placed?

Finally, the height at which the Wi-Fi router should be placed is also important, as this can affect the coverage and speed of the Internet. In this sense, the ideal situation is to place this device at the same height as the devices that you usually connect to, such as computers and computers. laptops, televisions, and cell phones; In this way, the height of tables or desks is a good reference for their positioning.

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