The outgoing and elected presidents of Peru spoke for more than two hours – Prensa Latina

The two were still talking when they left the presidential residence with Vice President, Ida Bullwart, saying goodbye with friendly gestures, although they did not make any statements.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister, Violeta Bermúdez, who participated in the meeting, said that the Vice President-elect had been approved as the main person in charge of the transfer.

Regarding this process, he said that the outgoing government started last May with the formation of transfer committees for each sector (ministry) to prepare the information that was put on the Internet to consult those responsible for the administration. Starting from tomorrow.

He added that Sagastei government officials are at the disposal of the new officials to give them the information they need, beyond official transmission.

He added that the ministers presented, in a press conference, reports on the status of each portfolio, how they found it and how it remained, with indications of outstanding issues and priorities that will end in the coming days.

He announced that the government had left the schedule for receiving vaccinations and vaccinations against Covid-19 to end in December.

“A second political shift is when a new president appoints his new government and we hand over the position,” he said.

Hours before the presidential meeting, Castillo visited Comptroller General Nelson Schack, with whom he discussed the transfer of the state apparatus and anti-corruption measures.

Castillo spoke with and did so with Vice President-elect Ida Bullwart and attorney for incoming President Anibal Torres.

“We are meeting this morning with the Comptroller General of the Republic, Nelson Schack, to identify mechanisms for the transfer of government administration and concrete measures to combat corruption,” Castillo wrote on Twitter.

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On the other hand, expectations are growing about the announcement of cabinet members’ candidacy for the president last Monday, more than six weeks after it won the presidential ballot of neo-liberal Keiko Fujimori, whose allegations of unproved fraud delayed Castillo’s announcement. Hence transportation.

msm / mrs

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