The OrientaUCO Mentoring Fair will begin after Easter, regaining full attendance

Cordoba on April 5th. (Press Europe) –

OrientaUCO’s traditional orientation fair regains full face-to-face attendance and begins after Easter with the first activities. Specifically, programming begins April 12, 13, and 14 with Career Orientation (MOV) schedules, which are aimed at first-year baccalaureate students and higher vocational training courses.

As detailed by the University of Cordoba (UCO) in a note, the tables are organized into three themes. The MOV for Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Arts and Humanities will be conducted in the Assembly Hall of the Department and will provide information on undergraduate degrees associated with these branches of knowledge. They will be offered by students from the Faculties of Philosophy and Letters (12 titles), Law, Economic and Business Sciences (four titles), Educational Sciences and Psychology (four titles) and Business Sciences (three titles).

The MOV for Science and Health Sciences will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing (South Building) and will direct the degrees of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine (two titles), Higher Technical School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering-Itsiyam (two titles), Medicine and Nursing (three titles), Science (six titles), Sciences Pedagogical (one title).

Finally, the Engineering and Technology MOV will take place in the Aula Magna Auditorium of the Rabanales Campus and will present university degrees of Etsiam (four degrees), Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba (five degrees) and Escuela Politécnica Superior de Belmez (five titles).

In each of them, students of the baccalaureate and FP education centers will receive a brief presentation on the grades and will be able to visit the colleges and schools. 1921 students from Cordoba and province are expected to participate.

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Career guidance seminars

On April 24 and 25, career guidance days will be held for students of the second cycle of ESO. The days are organized in three moments: visiting the pavilions of each center and common services, participating in workshops and intervening in the gym.

As with the MOV, college and school students themselves participate in this activity, who will report grades and answer questions from pre-university students. UC Campos students will lead the gym.

In these conferences, 2.052 ESO IV students from centers in Cordoba and the province are expected to participate.

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