The number of Zacatecans in the national system of researchers is increasing.

From 2021 to 2023, the number of professionals – both men and women – achieving national recognition increased by 42.61%, it was reported.

Zacatecas, Zac.- From 2021 to 2023, the number of professionals in Zacatecas who are part of the National System of Researchers (SNII) has increased by 42.61 percent, representing an invaluable asset with the potential to influence the development of the entity and improve the well-being of the population, as well as the leakage that affects the state’s economy.

This growth is an indication of the support provided to the training and improvement of human resources focused on science and technology, through public policies promoted by Governor David Monreal Ávila, who also contributes to the 2024 Peace Plan, said Hamurabi Gamboa Rosales, Director General of the Zacatecan Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (Cozcyt).

Gamboa Rosales explained that in 2021 there were 345 people from Zacatecas registered in SNII; In 2022, the number increased to 412, and in 2023, there were already 492. The resources from the federal grants received by these researchers, last year, represented an economic benefit of more than 103 million pesos to the entity.

Social sciences are one of the fields in which the largest number of professionals are integrated into the SNII, with 54; in the humanities there are 33 specialists who are part of the system; followed by behavioral sciences and education with 25; 20 specialists in the field of medicine and health sciences; 17 of which belong to engineering and technological development; 15 from biology and chemistry; 11, agricultural, agronomic, forestry and ecosystem sciences; seven from physics, mathematics and earth sciences; and six interdisciplinary.

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Of the total, 62% are men and 38% are women. Therefore, the Director General of Cozcyt emphasized that, as part of the substantive activities of the Council, the promotion of the benefits of belonging to SNII among professionals in areas of knowledge with a smaller number of registered members is being promoted; Likewise, girls and young men are encouraged to early invitations to stimulate interest in studying science. your social media marketing partner

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