The number of women working in medicine in Queretaro increases every year

Janet Lopez/Quadratín Querétaro

Querétaro, Qatar, March 12, 2023. – Between 2013 and 2015, the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) began recording an increase in the number of women admitted.
Amadeo Lugo Pérez, academic secretary of the college, noted that there are more men, but about a decade ago an increase in women’s participation began to be seen.
Men and women are required to sit and pass the same exams to enter any public university, the same situation as in medical school, which is one of the most sought after colleges.
“This is a very competitive university to be able to enter any of their degrees, of their careers, but especially medicine. In medicine, to give you an idea, on every call, which is every semester, we have about two thousand applicants who want to take a preparatory course… The top 60 averages are those who enter and I’m talking about the averages, I don’t speak if they’re men if they’re women.”
Of the two thousand people who request a place in each semester, only 3 percent remain, nearly 60. Of those people who specify a place, more and more women are noticed, so that the generation of 2023 has entered 61 people, 17 men, 44 women with an approximate ratio 30 percent versus 70 percent.
And he considered that the numbers are not surprising, as they reflect the way society is composed, as approximately 48 percent are men and 52 percent are women.
A similar case was recorded in dentistry, where 30 people entered, including 10 men and 20 women.
“Whether they are men or women, their income is a statistical matter only for us,” he said.
Approximately 90% of those entering the program manage to finish their career.
Being full-time students, they are also required to build their character. Responding well to one’s own frustrations and the pain of others is among the topics covered throughout the degree; These are essential elements for doing their job, facing traumatic situations, and dealing with patients and their relatives or companions; It is also important that they know how to manage their emotions, which is why they are supported by the Department of Psychology.
There is an increase in the number of women in specialties that were previously sought primarily by men, for example, surgical specialties: general surgery and neurosurgery, as well as traumatology and orthopedics. Previously, women preferred clinical specialties: pediatrics, dermatology, and internal medicine; Gynecological surgery.
To enter a medical specialty, you must also score among the best in the National Medical Residency Examination, which is held every September or October.
Between 50,000 and 60,000 general practitioners in the country, on average, in recent years, between 15,000 and 20,000 people remained.
He stressed that men and women have the same opportunity to enter these majors, as long as they are able to be among the best profiles.

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