The new abdominal plank: the exercise you need to define your tummy in no time

Physical exercise

The importance of having a strong abdomen lies not only in the aesthetic aspect but also in the functions and stability of the body. We teach you step by step two simple but intense exercises to define your stomach in a short time.

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Updated: Monday 3 June 2024 at 10:44:22 CEST

It is necessary to have a noticeable belly, in addition to exercise, diet and rest.

Having a strong abdominal area is not only good from an aesthetic standpoint, but it is also an indicator of good health. in this meaning, It is important to keep in mind that having a strong core or strong abdominal area is not the same as having a mark on it. Sometimes it’s related but other times it’s not.

Therefore, if what we are looking for is for it to be strong and effective, it must be addressed through training, with specific exercises that help us strengthen it. But if what we want is a toned stomach, we must also focus on other criteria Such as a correct and well-organized diet and an active lifestyle, because in this way we will have a greater expenditure of calories and it will help us to have a more defined area. The idea is to have a higher caloric expenditure to gain less fatand link it to comfort and emotional well-being so that everything has an impact.

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We mentioned that exercise is necessary to get a defined stomach, but not all exercises work equally or in the same way or speed. In this video, Our personal trainer teaches us two new exercises that are a more intense and effective version of the abdominal plank.

Step by step exercises

To perform both exercises You will need a ball or ball. In principle, we will start with a low weight but we can increase the weight as we develop.

  • The first thing to do is to assume abdominal position with your feet and hands on the floor.
  • In this position, we will raise and lower the ball with one hand, first with one hand and then we will pass it from one hand to the other.
  • We must always be aware of tightening the abdomen, tucking the pelvis in, and avoiding protruding buttocks.
  • The second exercise is more complete because it consists of moving the ball across the floor from one hand to the other.
  • To make it more intense, the ball will be thrown with such force that the curb will have a greater impact on the abdomen.

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