The Netherlands allied with the United Kingdom to replace the amphibious ships it had developed with Spain

Amsterdam and London agreed to cooperate in the acquisition of new warships. the Dutch Minister of DefenceAnd Kajsa Olongrenso is it British counterpartAnd James Cartledge, on a declaration of intent this week in which they expressed their desire to investigate next year in the possible alliance of such acquisitions, that the two countries want to replace several ships with a new type in the next decade. In the case of Holland, “it is one class of ship to which each of the amphibious transports and the four patrol vessels” of its navy must give way.

Specifically, it concerns amphibious transport ships HNLMS Johan de Witt And HNLMS Rotterdamclass Rotterdamwhich is a class twin Galicia affiliate Spanish NavyIt corresponds to a joint venture of both countries. These Dutch ships are expected to disappear from the country’s inventory in the next decade, with more than 30 years of service. he Rotterdam Work began in 1998 and Johan DeWitt in November 2007. While in the case of the Spanish ships, the Galicia I also started working in 1998 and Castile in 2000.

Along with these ships, the Dutch Ministry of Defence It is also planned to replace the patrol ships of the class Dutchman name of the thing DutchmanAnd ZeelandAnd Friesland And Groningen.

The transition to the planned amphibious ships is geared towards new threats and developments, the Dutch Ministry of Defense explains in a statement with this announcement. It adds that this is a circumstance that “applies to both the Netherlands and the United Kingdom”. the British/Dutch Amphibious ForceFormed half a century ago by the Marines of both countries, it would undoubtedly benefit from any cooperation. Ministers Olongren and Cartledge took advantage of the agreement to also confirm the continuation of this collaboration in the coming years.

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Amphibious assault ship Galicia.  Photo: MDE

Ship Galicia of the Spanish Navy. mde photo

These proclamations were signed on board the British amphibious transport ship HMS AlbionThis was during the festivities of the Maritime Festival Den Helder sailwhich takes place every five years in North Holland.

Ground attack ability

The alliance that marks the fiftieth anniversary of the aforementioned Combined Amphibious Forcealso includes greater cooperation in future amphibious exercises and training, according to British Ministry of Defence In the note that includes this movement. In the case of this country, their plans go through the development of future multipurpose support ships (MRSS), which will be equipped with a sea-to-land attack capability and designed to operate in amphibious task forces, otherwise known as coastal response groups. These futuristic ships will help highly trained Marines deploy in a crisis anywhere in the world, and will be fully equipped with their own vehicles, ships, aircraft and weapons.

The Statement of Intent signed by Amsterdam and London “will get the partner countries to work together to understand the relevant joint requirements and expected timelines for MRSS United Kingdom and the Dutch landing platform”, referring to its ships of the class Rotterdam. In this way, the text adds, they are trying to “help assess whether a cooperative procurement program would be mutually beneficial.”

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