The Museum of Anthropology and Natural Sciences in Concordia celebrated its 25th anniversary

The Museum of Anthropology and Natural Sciences in Concordia on Monday celebrated its 25th anniversary, demonstrated by Ordinance No. 28545/96, which recognizes the mixed formation of the institution, the special part being the Association for the Study of Anthropological and Natural Sciences – APECAN – and the state-owned Municipality of Concordia, which adopts On them, they share contributions, rights and obligations.

Silvia Setore, who is currently replacing her mother, esteemed museologist Christina Vassallo de Setore, told historians: EL SOL-Tele5 newspaper They are happy that the museum has reached its twenty-fifth anniversary.


“This is an institution born from the idea and initiative of Cristina Vassallo de Sitor who, together with her two brothers Jorge and José Luis, created everything that was the initial project for the museum presented in the municipality and then the creation decree in 1996 and on December 12, 1997, inaugurated in the Central Railway Station”, Remember Silvia.

Later, the museologist commented: “After being closed for a few months due to the pandemic, it was possible to resume this year and receive schools again with full attendance and we are now operating normally.”


“Even in October there was a personal training in the institution” and then in November there was a binational meeting of museums that we were able to celebrate for 25 years because, precisely, it was carried out within 25 years with colleagues from around the world, as well as with colleagues from abroad,” said Kutour.

“I want to thank you because no institution could have achieved this as this museum did if the municipality had not intervened in providing everything necessary for this institution to appear and remain in time,” said the museologist.

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“I would also like to thank the various public and private organisations, businesses, volunteers, friends and also the media who work side by side to support everything we have done over these 25 years,” he said finally.

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