The most influential companies are also beginning to provide more opportunities for women

We are on a path of no return
We are on a path of no return

Since the world has experienced the impact of the pandemic, women’s participation in leadership positions and work for gender equality has become more and more exposed in society and also in companies, where today, in many cases, they are beginning to see tangible changes in abandoning their role in the productive economy. In Argentina, as in the rest of the world, The most influential companies are also beginning to take this moment as a turning point, facing the challenge with clear actions and greater opportunities for women in areas where they have already demonstrated their strengths.

This change is not just a perception. According to data from Horse Consulting, mentioned in the Women Leadership 25 report, the number one ranking based on big data that measures the performance of the country’s most distinguished businesswomen, women have managed to reduce the gender gap by 70% from last year. Although they still represent only 17% of the most influential business leaders, the trend shows that, year after year, key corporate references are gaining more and more fame In workspaces nationwide, areas that were historically male-dominated.

Women managed to reduce the gender gap by 70% in the past year

To make real progress, it is critical that companies take a holistic approach and promote equal business opportunity. From HSBC Argentina, we present the third edition of Mujeres al Mundo (MAM) with a comprehensive business training program that we implement with Endeavor and renowned professionals, in which more than 1,500 women have participated, to promote economic development and women’s leadership. social communication.

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Also, in alliance with Mercer and Ucema, we launched the Level Up (He livesIt is aimed at women who aspire to improve themselves professionally and who want to take another step forward in their career. The first edition exceeded expectations with women from Argentina, the United States, the United Kingdom and Uruguay, and we are already planning to release a second edition.

To make real progress, it is essential that companies apply a holistic approach and promote equal employment opportunities

The results show that training is the key to contributing and transforming outlook. MAM is currently expanding in Uruguay and soon to Mexico. The goal is to reach 40,000 new clients regionally to add to the 2,000 entrepreneurs and women-led companies already registered with the initiative, a goal that is also in line with the $5.5 billion investment in loans made by Mujeres al Mondo between March and June to promote For commercial projects for women.

These are times to redefine the role we play in society, to review how companies are incorporating a gender perspective in all their areas and to assess the progress that has been made to close the economic gap that continues to show the low participation of women in management positions. Leaders play a key role in developing these policies.

We are making great strides, but it is our duty to keep them on a path that allows us to act in the present, and thus think of a more equal immediate future.

Sticking to this look, we’re on a path of no turning back. We have more and more leaders in more and more companies, in the financial system, in public and non-governmental organizations, in entrepreneurial communities, in the development of new technology, in the academic world and in many other areas. We are making great strides, but it is our duty to keep them on a path that allows us to act in the present, and thus think about an immediate future that is more equal, equitable and sustainable, not just for the generations that already exist. Hierarchical positions but also for young women who are starting or furthering their careers in all sectors that are generating today, improving and strengthening the workforce of the country.

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