The Ministry of Environment holds an afforestation day with students from Constanza and the Academy of Sciences

La Vega. – as part of its activities to celebrate b National Arbor DayAnd he Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Held on Friday, along with Konstanz Academy of Sciences and Studentsthe day of reforestation in La Siberia, which gives continuity to the process area recovery that they were Affected by illegal farming and cattle breeding Inside Valle Nuevo National Park.

In the activity headed by the Deputy Minister of Forest Resources, Jose Elias Gonzalez; President of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic, Eleuterio MartinezNorthern Regional Coordinator for Protected Areas. Juan GuzmanTechnologists and students from Eugenio María de Hostos High School participated and planted some 3000 Creole pines (Pinus occidentalis).

“From the Ministry of the Environment, we will continue to make efforts to restore Valle Nuevo as a water source of incalculable ecological and strategic value for the Dominican Republic and the entire island of Santo Domingo.”Deputy Secretary Gonzalez said.

“Today we are pleased to include students in this effort that must be supported by the authorities and all citizens”he added.

Meanwhile, Eleuterio Martínez pondered the fact that the area was beginning to emerge Restoration of forest cover to ensure water collection in that area of ​​the national park. He confirmed that the reforested area is located in President of the Rio GrandeNear Pinar Bonito, where the Constanza Canal is fed.

“The area is important because of the presence of green ebony (Magnolia pallescens) and palo de cruz (Podocarpus aristulatus), two endemic species at risk whose forest cover is dominated by conifers, i.e. pines,” He said.

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Reforestation has been completed Pinus occidentaliscalled criollo or pine cuaba, a species that thrives in this region and where it has always predominated.

“Valle Nuevo National Park is one of the most interesting forest reserves in the country due to the large amount of water it holds, feeding a large portion of the national territory,” added the President of the Academy of Sciences.

Julio César de los Santos, Park Director; Alexandre Sorel, Teaching Technician, District 0602; Maximo Aquino, Director of the Department of Forests and Forests; Elias Figuerio, Director of Reforestation; José Javier Rojas, forestry technician, and representatives of the National Environmental Protection Service (SENPA).

As in Valle Nuevo, Medio Ambiente performs reforestation days one at a time in different parts of the country as part of the National Arbor Day celebration.

In La Siberia, Medio Ambiente is reclaiming land occupied for years by farmers and ranchers, who have received compensation from the government to liberate areas of Valle Nuevo National Park.

The government spent some 520 million RD as compensation to 316 farmers who occupied some 10,400 missions From the northern border of Valle Nuevo, in the Constanza region.

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